The Divine (Situational) Comedy
"The Good Place is the most unexpectedly profound show on television. NBC’s afterlife sitcom, which just concluded its second season,...
Parenting in the Upside Down
Haley Stewart and Christy Isinger brought me onto their podcast, Fountains of Carrots, to talk about season 2 of Stranger Things. We...
Monsters, Fathers, and Stranger Things
"In a review of the show’s first season, Joshua Rothman described Stranger Things as something like “Lovecraft in suburbia.” The looming,...
A Song of Vice and Fire
I stopped by First Things to record a podcast on Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. Julia Yost and I discuss the moral universe...
Silence and Sherlock
At First Things, I'm featured on both segments of this podcast. In the first segment, I talk about Silence (the book and the film) with...